E-knihaThe Temptress
- Autor:
- Vydal:
- Saga Egmont
Woman on woman. Man on man. Bisexuality. Queer. Some people have never questioned whether they're gay or not. Others are in a straight marriage with kids when suddenly their best friend makes... Více
Woman on woman. Man on man. Bisexuality. Queer. Some people have never questioned whether they're gay or not. Others are in a straight marriage with kids when suddenly their best friend makes... Více
Woman on woman. Man on man. Bisexuality. Queer. Some people have never questioned whether they're gay or not. Others are in a straight marriage with kids when suddenly their best friend makes their nipples harden or their cock erect.This is an erotic short story collection from Cupido. The collection includes the following short 'She'd never before experienced such intense emotions for another girl. It both scared and excited her.' - The Temptress by Angelita'She secretly loved women, but it was difficult since she had a man and children. That all changed when she met Aina.'
Autor | Cupido |
Vydavatel | Saga Egmont |
Vydáno | 2020 |
Počet stran | 20 |
Formáty | ePUB, Mobi |
Velikost | ePUB (864 kiB), Mobi (1 MiB) |
ISBN | 999-00-039-5045-1 |
Jazyk | Angličtina |
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