E-knihaMoney over love
- Autor:
- Vydal:
- Saga Egmont
Passion. Luxury. Desire. Trading her office life for the enticing world of luxury, Isabella starts working as an escort. Just as she begins to explore this newfound freedom, she's swept off... Více
Passion. Luxury. Desire. Trading her office life for the enticing world of luxury, Isabella starts working as an escort. Just as she begins to explore this newfound freedom, she's swept off... Více
Passion. Luxury. Desire.
Trading her office life for the enticing world of luxury, Isabella starts working as an escort. Just as she begins to explore this newfound freedom, she's swept off her feet by the irresistible Marcus.
The idea of accepting money from such an enchanting man for an intimate encounter seems unimaginable. Their first passionate rendezvous promises a fiery night, and as fate would have it, it's only the beginning of their intoxicating journey...
A blogger and self-taught author, Jeanett Veronica Hindberg (b. 1972) shot to fame in 2012 as the sharp-tongued Bitterfissen Bethany, becoming a fearless voice in public debate. She has since published several books in her own name.
Autor | Jeanett Veronica Hindberg |
Vydavatel | Saga Egmont |
Vydáno | 2024 |
Počet stran | 34 |
Formáty | ePUB, Mobi |
Velikost | ePUB (842 kiB), Mobi (1 MiB) |
ISBN | 999-00-040-6478-2 |
Jazyk | Angličtina |
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