E-knihaThe Poor Clare
- Autor:
- Vydal:
- Saga Egmont
Set in Victorian England, Gaskell's gothic masterpiece weaves the tale of a lonely old woman whose curse upon the murderer of her cherished dog unleashes unintended consequences. The impulse... Více
Set in Victorian England, Gaskell's gothic masterpiece weaves the tale of a lonely old woman whose curse upon the murderer of her cherished dog unleashes unintended consequences. The impulse... Více
Set in Victorian England, Gaskell's gothic masterpiece weaves the tale of a lonely old woman whose curse upon the murderer of her cherished dog unleashes unintended consequences. The impulse of revenge is turned to contrition after the discovery of an unexpected connection between her and the accursed. Through Ireland to Yorkshire and finally London, a young lawyer discovers a beautiful young woman mysteriously followed by her own demonic doppelganger, and sets out to learn if the curse can be broken.
Autor | Elizabeth Gaskell |
Vydavatel | Saga Egmont |
Vydáno | 2021 |
Počet stran | 64 |
Formáty | ePUB, Mobi |
Velikost | ePUB (958 kiB), Mobi (1 MiB) |
ISBN | 999-00-038-3688-5 |
Jazyk | Angličtina |
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