E-knihaManagerial integrity
- Autor:
- Vydal:
- Motiv Press
The first edition of the book was written before the collapse of Lehman Brothers’ bank. It is all the more remarkable, then, that is it full of practical examples and guidelines. How can... Více
The first edition of the book was written before the collapse of Lehman Brothers’ bank. It is all the more remarkable, then, that is it full of practical examples and guidelines. How can... Více
The first edition of the book was written before the collapse of Lehman Brothers’ bank. It is all the more remarkable, then, that is it full of practical examples and guidelines. How can integrity be maintained in these turbulent times, when managers are under pressure to produce results and must at the same time take different interests into consideration? How to create a culture of integrity within a company? This is a guidebook for managers in how to lead ethically. The book is full of interesting tips, recommendations and real-life examples that will help you deal with delicate problems and dilemmas, as well as help you work with your conscience and not come into conflict with your personality. Find out why managers now demand that their staff have a head.
Autor | František Hroník |
Vydavatel | Motiv Press |
Vydáno | 2015 |
Počet stran | 152 |
Formáty | ePUB, Mobi, PDF |
Velikost | ePUB (14 MiB), Mobi (22 MiB), PDF (285 kiB) |
ISBN | 978-80-879-8108-5 |
Jazyk | Angličtina |
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