- Autor:
- Vydal:
- MEA2000 o. z.
The emotional journey of a man who travels through the harsh desert landscape. He takes on an abandoned, dusty dog in which he finds his most loyal friend. The story escalates when a... Viac
The emotional journey of a man who travels through the harsh desert landscape. He takes on an abandoned, dusty dog in which he finds his most loyal friend. The story escalates when a... Viac
The emotional journey of a man who travels through the harsh desert landscape.
He takes on an abandoned, dusty dog in which he finds his most loyal friend.
The story escalates when a stranger and a dog come to the city from where they both left because
of the envy people. The city is dominated by human pride and malice.
On the way to their happiness and finding a real home they will go through hell, but also
joyful moments that should bring them to their goals. But will they reach their destination?
Autor | Lily Wonderland |
Vydavateľ | MEA2000 o. z. |
Vydané | 2020 |
Počet strán | 129 |
Formáty | ePUB, Mobi, PDF |
Veľkosť | ePUB (2 MiB), Mobi (3 MiB), PDF (583 kiB) |
ISBN | 978-80-560-0455-5 |
Jazyk | Angličtina |
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