- Autor:
- Vydal:
- Carpe Diem
The impressive story of Canadian police officer in the background of relations with the Russian mafia is debut of the Czech writer living in Canada in the English language. The story includes... Viac
The impressive story of Canadian police officer in the background of relations with the Russian mafia is debut of the Czech writer living in Canada in the English language. The story includes... Viac
The impressive story of Canadian police officer in the background of relations with the Russian mafia is debut of the Czech writer living in Canada in the English language. The story includes everything the right thriller should have, especially intensity from beginning to end and an enviable readability. George Burkovec surprised not only excellent, built story, but also an admirable knowledge of the surrounding in which scenes of the story takes place.
Autor | George Burkovec |
Vydavateľ | Carpe Diem |
Vydané | 2017 |
Počet strán | 401 |
Formáty | ePUB, Mobi |
Veľkosť | ePUB (2 MiB), Mobi (4 MiB) |
ISBN | 978-80-876-3133-1 |
Jazyk | Angličtina |
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